প্রাথমিক টেট ইংরেজি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন উত্তর 30 MCQ Free PDF

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প্রাথমিক টেট ইংরেজি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন -উত্তর MCQ (Primary TET English Important MCQ) গুলি আজকে দেওয়া হল। এই পোস্টে রয়েছে 30টি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর। এর মধ্যে 15 টি রয়েছে বিষয় ভিত্তিক ও 15 টি রয়েছে ইংরেজি পেডাগোজি থেকে।

পর্ষদ প্রদত্ত নতুন সিলেবাস অনুসারে বিভিন্ন টপিক গুলিকে খুব ভালো করে নিখুত ভাবে পড়তে হবে তবেই ভালো নম্বর পাওয়া যাবে। সাথে MCQ প্র্যাকটিস সেট গুলিও সময় ধরে প্র্যাকটিস করে নিতে হবে।

প্রাথমিক টেট ইংরেজি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন উত্তর

➡ A. Read the following Passage carefully and answer the questions that follow (1 to 8) :

Our ancestors had great difficulty in getting books. Now, our difficulty is what to read. There are books and books but our hours of reading are very few. Therefore, choice becomes essential. We should be very careful about what we read. There are books which poison our lives by suggesting evils. We should keep them at arm’s length. We should read only those books which have stood the test of time. Such books are our great classics like the Ramayana and the Gita. They contain the wisdom of our sages and saints. They have appealed to mankind from generation to generation. Reading of such books has ennobling influence on our mind and character. It gives us spiritual enjoyment. These books give us instruction with entertainment. They represent our ancient culture. They set before us high ideals to follow. They are our best friends, best guides and the best treasure.

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1. We should be selective because

(A) there is a great number of books available to us

(B) there is scarcity of books

(C) there are only bad books in the market

(D) none of the above.

2. We should avoid those books which

(A) cost high price

(B) come in paperback

(C) corrupt our lives by suggesting evils

(D) come in more than one volume.

3. The books which have stood the test of time are called….

(A) great books

(B) rare books

(C) biographies

(D) classics.

4. What is/are special quality/qualities of classics?

(A) They affect our mind in a good way

(B) They teach us something great and also entertain us.

(C) They help us in our spiritual growth

(D) All the above.

5. An expression in the passage which means ‘good effect’ is

(A) Spiritual enjoyment

(B) Ennobling influence

(C) high ideals

(D) Very careful.

6. Which books give us instruction with entertainment ?

(A) Ramayana

(B) Gita

(C) Both

(D) None of these

7. Which is the correct antonyms of ‘ancestors’

(A) descendant

(B) aescendant

(C) antescendant

(D) forerunner

8. Gita is a

(A) girl

(B) book

(C) scripture

(D) culture

B. Read the following Poem carefully and answer the questions that follow (9 to 15) :

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud,

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

9. What is the poem about?

(A) Courage in the face of death

(B) Holding on to one’s own dignity

(C) The soul after death

(D) Both (a) and (b)

10. To what does the poet compare night?

(A) Pit

(B) Pole

(C) Black

(D) None of these

11. What do you understand by ‘in the fell clutch of circumstance’?

(A) Under cruel circumstance

(B) Under sober circumstance

(C) Under good circumstance

(D) Under pampering circumstance

12. What does the poet thank Gods for?

(A) Painful situations

(B) Unconquerable soul

(C) Dark night

(D) Wrath and tears

13 . How does the menace of the years find the poet?

(A) Unafraid

(B) Shaken

(C) Broken

(D) Peaceful

14. Choose the correct meaning of looms –

(A) gut

(B) mud

(C) tilt

(D) shut

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15. Poet is the master of his –

(A) mind

(B) soul

(C) hart

(D) fate

16. According to the language teaching experts the early education of a child should be in ______

(A)   the First language.

(B)   second language

(C) foreign language

(D)  multi-language

17. In continuous comprehensive evaluation the teacher tries to ____

(A)  find out to what extent the learning objectives are achieved

(B)  make the learner assess the teacher

(C)   identify the special needs of the learners in a group

(D)  make the learner by cramming learning

18. Teaching of English in India as a second language has been very important and inevitable since-

(A) India is a multilingual nation

(B) Indian language books are mostly written in English

(C) English is a foreign language

(D) English is a link and international language

19. The alphabetic method, the phonic method, the word method and the sentence method are associated with _____

(A)  Listening

(B)  Speaking

(C)  Reading

(D)  Writing

20. Summarising, note-making, and reporting are associated with ____skill.

(A)  Reading

(B)  Writing

(C)  Listening

(D)  Speaking

21. Holistic evaluation of learner’s is done by-

(A)  Unit end evaluation

(B) Term-end evaluation

(C) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

(D) Month-end Evaluation

22. The right of children to free and Compulsory Education was made in the year-

(A) 2007

(B)  2008

(C) 2009

(D) 2010

23. What step does a teacher have to undertake to facilitate reading the habit of a learner

(A) reading newspapers

(B)  Library reading

(C) Picture and Map reading

(D) All of the above

24. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education came intoforce in-

(A) 2008

(B)  2009

(C) 2010

(D) 2011

25. Effective learning takes place when the learners are :

(A) Passive

(B) quite

(C)  interactive

(D) good at preparing for the examination

26. The best time to learn a second language is in

(A)  early childhood

(B)  junior school

(C) senior secondary school

(D) college

27. Metalinguistic awareness is

(A) the ability to think and talk about language

(B)  the ability to connect the distinctive sounds in words to letters

(C) understanding of the mapping principles between sounds and meaning

(D)  the ability to recognize writing from other visual marks

28. Which skills are receptive-

(A) listening and speaking

(B) listening and reading

(C) reading and writing

(D) writing and speaking

29. The following statements that are true about language is

(A)  all languages use essentially the same number of sounds

(B) all native speakers of a language learn the basic rules of grammar in school

(C) While the different languages may use different phonemes, they all essentially share the same syntax

(D)  None of the above

30. For students to gain language skills from textbooks, textbook learning should

(A)  correlate with assessment and achievement

(B) lead to using the textbook sparingly

(C) expose them to more literary reading

(D)  become more cost-effective compared to a technologically supported course


1.(A) there is a great number of books available to us, 2. (C) corrupt our lives by suggesting evils!, 3. (D) classics, 4. (D) All the above, 5. (B) Ennobling influence, 6. (C) Both, 7. (A) descendant, 8. (C) scripture, 9. (D) Both (a) and (b), 10. (A) Pit,

11.(A) Under cruel circumstance, 12. (B) Unconquerable soul, 13. (A) Unafraid, 14. (A) gut, 15. (D) fate, 16. (A) the First language, 17. (A) find out to what extent the learning objectives are achieved, 18. (D) English is a link and international language, 19. (C) Reading, 20. (B) Writing,

21.(C) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, 22. (C) 2009, 23. (D) All of the above, 24. (B) 2009, 25. (C) interactive, 26. (A) early childhood, 27. (A) the ability to think and talk about language, 28. (B) istening and reading, 29. (D) None of the above, 30. (A) correlate with assessment and achievement

প্রাথমিক টেটের জন্য 30টি করে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ MCQ

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স্টুডেন্টস কেয়ারে সকলকে স্বাগতম! বাংলা ভাষায় জ্ঞান চর্চার সমস্ত খবরা-খবরের একটি অনলাইন পোর্টাল "স্টুডেন্ট কেয়ার"। পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সকল বিদ্যালয়, মহাবিদ্যালয় ও বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের এবং সমস্ত চাকুরী প্রার্থীদের জন্য, এছাড়াও সকল জ্ঞান পিপাসু জ্ঞানী-গুণী ব্যক্তিবর্গদের সুবিধার্থে আমাদের এই ক্ষুদ্র প্রচেষ্টা।  

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