35+ Important Antonyms MCQ in Bengali PDF Free Download | WBCS Question Paper

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35টি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Antonyms MCQ in Bengali -আকারে পোস্ট করা হল। যেগুলি বিগত কয়েক বছরের WBCS পরীক্ষাতে এসেছে। তাই এই MCQ-গুলি অন্যান্য পরীক্ষা যেমন PSC, Kolkata Police, Primary TET, ICDS, Rail Group D প্রভৃতি পরীক্ষার জন্য এই Antonyms in Bengali-গুলি খুবই কার্যকরী ভূমিকা পালন করবে।

আমরা জানি Antonyms এর বাংলা অর্থ “বিপরীত শব্দ“। বাংলাতে 1000+ বিপরীত শব্দ পড়তে চাইলে এখানে ক্লিক করে পড়ুন।

WBCS Previous Year’s Question (Antonyms MCQ in Bengali)

Antonyms MCQ in Bengali

1. Choose the word opposite meaning to the underlined word:

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Transparency is needed in dealing with a matter of public interest : (WBCS, 2013)

(A) Haziness

(B) Trauma

(C) Turbulence

(D) Transition

2. The patient needed an anodyne for his strained nerves. (WBCS, 2013)

(A) Alcohol

(B) Opium

(C) Medicine

(D) Painkilling balm

3. He is such a good Samaritan, It means : (WBCS, 2013)

(A) He is very clever

(B) He is a fool

(C) Someone who tries to help people

(D) He is a bad man

4. Select the pair in the following options, which is set in opposition: (WBCS, 2013)

(A) Erroneous – Faulty

(B) Reticent – Silent

(C) Vilify – Slander

(D) None of the above

5. ‘Deciduous’ trees are : (WBCS, 2013)

(A) Trees that lose the leaves annually

(B) Trees that are big

(C) Trees that are short

(D) Trees that are scattered

6. A preparation for killing insects is : (WBCS, 2013)

(A) Parasite

(B) Insecticide

(C) Humus

(D) Rodent

7. ‘Eruption’ means outbreak, ‘irruption’ means: (WBCS, 2013)

(A) Bursting in

(B) Equal

(C) Disease

(D) Evil 

8. Choose the word opposite meaning to the underlined below: (WBCS, 2014)

His point was lost amid the cacophony.

(A) Music

(B) Discordance

(C) Silence

(D) Crowd

9. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the underlined below : (WBCS, 2014)

The possibility of failure was imminent.

(A) Remote

(B) Inherent

(C) Immediate

(D) Perennial

10. Choose the word opposite in meaning of the one underlined below : (WBCS, 2014)

There is abundant scope for improvement.

(A) Ample

(B) Scarce

(C) Copious

(D) Eternal

11. ‘Cricket’ is also a kind of a/an (WBCS, 2014)

(A) Bird

(B) Insect

(C) Food

(D) Flower

12. A ‘page’ also means (WBCS, 2014)

(A) A sweet dish

(B) A chauffeur

(C) A book

(D) A servant 

13. Choose the word opposite in meaning of the one underlined below

The crowd felt stupefied by the lecture. (WBCS, 2015)

(A) Engulfed

(B) Entertained

(C) Enthused

(D) Encouraged

14. The silence of the children was sinister. (WBCS, 2015)

(A) Catnap

(B) Cacophony

(C) Coarse

(D) Cruelty

15. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word underlined below : (WBCS, 2016)

People responded to the leader’s speech with shouts of ecstasy

(A) Despondency

(B) Despair

(C) Disagreement

(D) Displeasure  

16. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word underlined below : (WBCS, 2016)

The appearance of the stranger was forbidding.

(A) Warm

(B) Kind

(C) Friendly

(D) Amiable

17. ‘Mellifluous’ means : (WBCS, 2016)

(A) Sweet – sounding

(B) Cacophonic

(C) Loud

(D) Irritating

18. Tick the exact opposite of each word given below:

“Extravagance” (WBCS, 2006)

(A) Rashness

(B) Meanness

(C) Prudence

(D) Excess

19. Humility (WBCS, 2006)

(A) Rudeness

(B) Vanity

(C) Pride

(D) Arrogance

20. The opposite of help is (WBCS, 2006)

(A) Hate

(B) Helpless

(C) Hindrance

(D) Stop

21. From the options choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to those underlined in the following sentence: (WBCS, 2007)

The 19th century was the hey-day of the renaissance in Bengal.

(A) Days of decline

(B) Peak-point

(C) Period of stagnation

(D) Time of up-rise

22. Our gateman is a man of enormous size. (WBCS, 2007)

(A) Healthy

(B) Tall

(C) Gigantic

(D) Big

23. Select the pair among the following which is set in opposition : (WBCS, 2008)

(A) Gay : Animated

(B) Full : Replete

(C) Surmise : Fact

(D) Generation : Age

24. Select the pair among the following which is set in opposition :

(A) Wanton : Restrained

(B) Sardonic : Bitter

(C) Bright : Refulgent

(D) Fetch : Bring

25. Select the pair among the following which is set in opposition :

(A) Macabre : Earic

(B) Abortive : Successful

(C) Secret : Covert

(D) Mock : Rally

26. Select the pair in the following options which is set in opposition

(A) Doggish- Canine

(B) Manly- Virile

(C) Divine-Infernal

(D) Earthly-Terrestrial

27. Select the pair in the following options which is set in opposition (WBCS, 2010)

(A) Pedant –Pedagogic

(B) Humid – Arid

(C) Erroneous-Faulty

(D) Horrible-Horrendous

28. The prospect of her marriage is remote. (WBCS, 2010)

The opposite of ‘remote’, in this sentence, would be

(A) high

(B) less

(C) far

(D) near

29. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the underlined words:

Chaos reigned supreme at the football match.

(A) Order

(B) Confusion

(C) Anarchy

(D) Luck

30. The hubbub in the cities makes one tired and irritable. (WBCS, 2011)

(A) Roar

(B) Quiet

(C) Disorder

(D) Disturbance   

31. Select the pair in the following options which is set in opposition (WBCS, 2012)

(A) Liquid-Solid

(B) Enough-Adequate

(C) Entice-Lure

(D) Excess-Surplus

32. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word underlined below : (WBCS, 2017)

The darkness covered the whole countryside.

(A) Silence

(B) Stillness

(C) Light

(D) Noise

33. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word underlined below : (WBCS, 2018)

Mary’s patience and serenity won the admiration of all who saw her.

(A) holiness

(B) placidity

(C) agitation

(D) equanimity

34. The correct antonym of ‘Lecherous’ is (WBCS, 2020)

(A) Psssionate

(B) Dirty

(C) Nasty

(D) Chaste

Important Antonyms MCQ in Bengali MCQ PDF Download

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